With one day to go, I am feeling excited about getting back out in the world and shooting the sessions that have been on hold for the last 6 weeks.
It’s not business as usual however, and I wanted to share a few details on how we will be operating during Level 2.
I will primarily hold Simply Authentic sessions as these do not require close contact, are reduced in time, and take place away from the studio.
If you would like a Classic Studio portrait session, please get it touch and we can talk about whether this is possible. I will not be offering any studio sessions for newborns (up to 3 months or pregnant mums during Level 2). Any studio sessions will be scheduled a minimum of 72 hours apart.

In detail – these are the steps we take to keep all of our clients and ourselves safe. Much of this forms our standard practice, but we have enhanced our processes as a result of COVID-19.
1. Team members and clients are reminded to wash their hands regularly and correctly. Hospital Grade Hand Sanitiser will be used during the session by everyone present.
2. The Photographer and Photography assistant will wear a fabric mask and disposable gloves. The mask will be washed and ironed between sessions. The Photographer and Photography Assistant are responsible for their own health and will not hold (or attend) a session if they are unwell.
3. Clients will be encouraged to telephone and rearrange their session if anyone to be photographed, or anyone in their ‘bubble’ is unwell or has been in contact with a suspected case of COVID-19. The penalty fee for rearranging sessions on multiple occasions has been removed.
4. Any washable item used during the session will be washed between sessions - eg. fabrics, clothing.
5. A high level of cleanliness of the studio and equipment will be maintained at all times. All hard surfaces will be cleaned between sessions and a 30 day Zoono micro shield spray used eg. furniture, camera equipment.
6. Any props that cannot be effectively cleaned will not be used during COVID-19 Level 2
eg. small toys and headbands.
7. No shoes in the studio; Photographer will remove shoes when attending a client’s home.
8. All clothing worn by the Photographer and Photography Assistant will be freshly laundered and donned at the studio. It is recommended they are removed and washed immediately on arrival home. It is also recommended that the Photographer and Photography Assistant shower on arrival home from a shoot before interacting with other family members.
9. Only those being photographed may attend the session. Sessions will be restricted to 2 hours in length and a maximum of 10 people (including the Photographer and Photography Assistant).
10. Contact tracing will be enabled via the contactless studio management system – Acuity Scheduling.
11. The Photographer will endeavour to minimise contact with clients as a much as possible. No handshakes, hugs or other traditional greeting conventions will be used.
12. These studio guidelines will be shared via an infographic (with supporting detail) with all clients, and client’s may request a copy of this COVID-19 Safety Plan.
Studio Specific
1. There will be 72 hours scheduled between any studio session to further reduce the chance of COVID-19 droplets remaining active on surfaces at a new session.
2. The toy box will be removed during COVID-19 Level 2, to reduce the number of transferrable high touch surfaces.
3. We will not offer refreshments during Level 2, however clients are encouraged to bring their own water bottles and snacks.
4. At this stage no newborn or pregnancy studio sessions will be offered.